Re: [exim] gettnig sa-exim to use spamAssassin

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Συντάκτης: Magnus Holmgren
Προς: exim-users
Αντικείμενο: Re: [exim] gettnig sa-exim to use spamAssassin
On söndagen den 23 december 2007, Haines Brown wrote:
> I'm running debian etch, with exim4, which has monolithic
> configuration. My aim is to get exim to filter incoming mail with
> spamassassin.

A more appropriate mailing list would have been the Debian-specific Exim
users' list mentioned in exim4's README.Debian or the SA-Exim mailing list
mentioned on SA-Exim's homepage. Fortunately, I'm subscribed to this list

> [...]
> I have to make sure that my exim4.conf has:
>     local_scan_path = /usr/lib/exim4/local_scan/

> I have no exim4.conf, but rather a /etc/exim4/update.exim4.conf.conf
> and the /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated. Neither file has that
> variable.
> Since
>     $ grep "local_scan_path" /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated

> returns nothing, the local_scan_path is not in the config.autgenerated
> file. So I'm told to edit as root /etc/exim/update.exim4.conf.conf,
> and so I put in
>     local_scan_path='true'

README.Debian.gz suggests changing dc_use_split_config to 'true' as the
quickest way to get sa-exim working, but if you don't want to use split
config you have to add the local_scan_path setting
to /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template manually.

Magnus Holmgren        holmgren@???
                       (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

"Exim is better at being younger, whereas sendmail is better for
Scrabble (50 point bonus for clearing your rack)" -- Dave Evans