I am having trouble setting up a commercial security certificate under Debian
testing, using Exim 4.63. Exim is reporting a Base64 decoding error.
The keys and certificates are working for other applications on the server. I
presume the difficulties I am having stem from Debian's use of GnuTLS.
The decoding error is similar to the one reported here:
The issue is that "PEM format keys/certificates are base64 encoded" (James
Westby). The issue was worked around by decoding the key from PKCS#8 to RSA
format (Felix Palmen).
However in my case what is problematic is that the original key is already in
RSA format.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
2007-05-13 22:02:17 TLS error on connection from myhost.net [217.147.xx.xx]
(cert/key set up: cert=/etc/exim4/certificates/newserver_co_uk.crt
key=/etc/exim4/certificates/newserver_co_uk.pem) : Base64 decoding error.
MAIN_TLS_PRIVATEKEY = /etc/exim4/certificates/newserver_co_uk.pem
MAIN_TLS_CERTIFICATE = /etc/exim4/certificates/newserver_co_uk.crt
Rory Campbell-Lange