Autor: W B Hacker Data: Dla: exim users Temat: Re: [exim] EMAIL RESTRICTIONS
David Saez Padros wrote:
> Hi !!
>>first, i want to limit the email access to only those addresses in our
>>domain. so i want to let anyone@??? send and receive with
>>anyone-else@???, but no-one@???.
*snip* (config details that control only the 'official' MTA)
Don't forget to also:
- firewall block traffic to/from all other outside ports to any device but your
MTA, and not just the 'obvious' ports 25, 465, 587, and 80.
- test your environment for WiFi, etc. coverage that you do not control
- block staff from access to telephone lines which can handle any of:
a) high-speed modems (easy - some PBX/key-hybrid won't support the b/w needed)
b) DTMF modems (harder, as it can prevent *dialing* once outside)
c) modems which fall-back to FSK (harder yet, notch filters, else no speech)