Re: [exim] Redirect and errors_to variables

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Autor: Gary Palmer
To: Silmar A. Marca
CC: exim-users, Gary Palmer
Betreff: Re: [exim] Redirect and errors_to variables
Silmar A. Marca wrote:

>I try to use "return_path" in transport, but the redirect is in "router". I try
>to insert header "X-Return-path" and change the return_path if it exist, but no
>I need to this to change return_path on redirect messages to external sites on
>external aliases...
>- my domain is
>- have a alias@??? to external server (ex: user@???).
>- have a alias2@??? to internal server (ex: user@???).
>If i send email from external server (user@???) to
>alias@???, the email is resendo to user@???. But the
>return_path continue user@???. If GMAIL use SPF and force check, the
> not autorize my server to send messages and message is block! I
>need to rewrite return_path to "alias@???" in this case to validate
>"SPF clause".
>If send email from internal domain to alias@ or alias2@, ok! The server not need
>to verify spf address...
>If send email from external domain to alias2@ ok! The server not need to verify
>spf address...


You could have two routers, but have them call different transports.
The local_smtp transport don't set return_path, the remote_smtp
transport sets return_path.



>Citando Gary Palmer <exim-users@???>:
>>Silmar A. Marca wrote:
>>>I need to rewrite "MAIL FROM" in redirect driver to send mail not in my
>>>domains. But, the "erros_to" not show variables, only fixed address... The
>>>header_add is ok!
>>> driver                = redirect
>>> errors_to             = ${local_part}@${domain}  <- Not run
>>> headers_add           = "X-Envelope-To: ${local_part}@${domain}\n"

>>> driver                = redirect
>>> errors_to             = fix@???  <- Run OK!
>>> headers_add           = "X-Envelope-To: ${local_part}@${domain}\n"

>>>I need to rewrite the sender address in "Mail from" to external out email
>>>because the SPF block these redirects... The SRS is not easy to use... I try
>>>use $address_data and result is equal...
>>I am not sure why errors_to is not working for you, but have you tried
>>using the
>>setting on the transport? I have that working with expansion here.