Autor: Peter Bowyer Data: Dla: exim users Temat: Re: [exim] mail que
On 26/09/05, Exim newbie <exim.list@???> wrote: > I have 3 mail server one pop3 and two smtp. My smtp servers place all the
> email in the que in /var/spool/exim/input but my pop3 server places the
> email in individual folders for example on my pop3 server my email that is
> in the que are in /var/spool/exim/input but in here there are sub folders
> 0-9 a-z and A-Z I have seen this for the email spools but not for the emails
> in the que is there a way I can stop this and just make exim dump or store
> all emails that are in the que to just /var/spool/exim/input/ ? I am not
> sure what to look for or if it would be a simple as doing a diff on my two
> exim.confs one from my smtp server and the one from my pop3 server. Any help
> would be greatly appreciated.
Look for 'split_spool_directory' in the Exim config. And in the documentation.