Autor: Richard.Hall Datum: To: exim-users Betreff: Re: [Exim] How to raise the limit on the number of messages per
Hi Nic, long time ...
On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Nic Doye wrote:
> We have a large number of Windows servers
Strange, I thought you were sensible folk up there.
> hosting various 3rd party
> applications. Some of these applications are used to send a large amount
> (can be tens of thousands) of e-mail to subscribed users.
Been there, done that. Don't need Windows for that ;-)
> Now, because we have no control of the 3rd party developers, they can
> choose to bung e-mail at the exim box any old how, we often need to
> change parameters to insane amounts to let/get stuff through. (Often,
> there is no queuing by the application).
Well, you could point out how stupid their applications are. If your
server is down momentarily (or even just overloaded - not unlikely,
given what they are doing to you) ... lost mail.
> In the latest case, we keep giving out 421 error messages to the
> application, because of too many messages sent in each connection.
> My question is, which is the correct parameter that controls this?
smtp_accept_max_per_connection - but beware - type is integer, not
expanded, so it is a system-wide setting.
You'll probably also need to play with some of the queue_only_xxx
settings, or maybe even control=queue_only in your ACLs.
> nic
> Dr N J Doye
> Senior Unix Systems Programmer
> Eduserv Internet