On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 07:12:38PM +0200, Robert Wilhelm Land wrote:
> The manual that came with the potato CD's recommends
> to add this line:
> mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %s"
> which I would like to replace with a exim execution.
Urnf. I use:
mda "/usr/sbin/exim -oMr fetchmail -oem -f %F %T"
in /etc/fetchmailrc and I have "fetchmail" in the trusted_users setting of
Exim so that the "-f %F" part is effective.
> There are two files:
> rland@MINI:~$ diff /usr/sbin/exim? /etc/init.d/exim
> Binary files /usr/sbin/exim and /etc/init.d/exim differ
> The first one is 430696 the snd one 1078bytes small!
> Could you kindly clarify this?
/etc/init.d/exim is a control script that runs /usr/sbin/exim in the
background, or finds and kills it, as per user request.
> The other question is a general question about the "%s" variable
> in the procmail line mentioned above.
> man procmail explaines ? ? -d recipent ?? ? turnes on the explicit
> deliverey mode, yet how can I extract who "%s" is?
It's actually a feature of fetchmail-- %s is replaced with something when
running the command. But I can't find the documentation of %-escapes in the
fetchmail docs. However from the procmail documentation, I would deduce that
%s is the local user the message is destined for.
Steve Haslam Reading, UK araqnid@???
Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer araqnid@???
almost called it today, turned to face the void, numb with the suffering
and the question- "Why am I?" [queensrÿche]