[Exim] using exim to filter mails to various cyrus mailfolde…

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Autor: Ralf Batri
Dla: exim-users
Temat: [Exim] using exim to filter mails to various cyrus mailfolders

Hi list,

i hope tis haven't been answered before !
I've searched the archives and didn'tfind anything to my
problem, which could be a solution for my problem.

I've installed cyrus-imapd on a debian woody and it's running.
BUT i'm not able to setup the filtering through the ~/.forward.

Hier some parts of my configuration,

the transport:
driver = pipe
command = "/usr/sbin/cyrdeliver -m ${substr_1:$local_part_suffix} -- $local_part"
prefix =
suffix =
user = cyrus
group = mail

the director:
driver = localuser
transport = local_delivery_cyrus_imap
suffix = .*
domains = foo.de:*.foo.de
local_parts = test-user

the .forward:
# Exim Filter
$h_from: matches gmx.de
pipe "/usr/sbin/cyrdeliver -a test-user -m user.test-user.filter_test"

After all of this i get still an error message in the mainlog an the
mail is send back.

-- error message --
  pipe to |/usr/sbin/cyrdeliver -a test-user -m user.test-user.filter_test
    generated by test-user@???
    Child process of address_pipe transport returned 65 (could mean error in input data) from command:

The following text was generated during the delivery attempt:

------ pipe to |/usr/sbin/cyrdeliver -a test-user -m user.test-user.filter_test
       generated by test-user@??? ------

-- error-message end --

I hope there is someone out there, who can help me.

Thanks in advanced

Ralf Batri 
e-mail:    ralf@???
Currently on Debian/Woody 

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