Re: [Exim] Exim on webservers

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Autor: Sheldon Hearn
To: Ollie Cook
CC: exim-users
Betreff: Re: [Exim] Exim on webservers

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001 14:20:39 +0100, Ollie Cook wrote:

>   1) if they are SuEXEC'd - disable their username
>      from calling exim,
>   2) if they aren't - block on the sender address
>      that they are using in the From: header.

> However, I can't see any options to achieve these
> last two..? sender_reject would seem to be the
> one for 2), but doesn't apply to anything but SMTP
> input, since it looks at MAIL FROM:.

That's fine, since only Exim's trusted_users are allowed to send mail as
if from someone else. So just make sure nobody SuEXECs to a
