[Exim] Re: Tester needed on FreeBSD 4.x-STABLE with IPv6

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Auteur: Ollie Cook
À: exim-users
Sujet: [Exim] Re: Tester needed on FreeBSD 4.x-STABLE with IPv6
Philip (and list),

I ran the test under 4.3-STABLE. The output is
available at http://mutare.noc.clara.net/~ollie/exim.debug
In any case, the tests went without a hitch.

The pertinent OS information is:

mutare# uname -a
FreeBSD mutare.noc.clara.net 4.3-STABLE FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE #4: Tue Aug 14 11:34:38 BST 2001     ollie@???:/usr/src/sys/compile/MUTARE  i386



Oliver Cook    Systems Administrator, ClaraNET
ollie@???               020 7903 3065