Re: [Exim] Re: W32/Sircam worm

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Συντάκτης: Nigel Metheringham
Προς: exim-users
Αντικείμενο: Re: [Exim] Re: W32/Sircam worm
On 25 Jul 2001 15:26:22 +0200, Phil Pennock wrote:
> Okay. This is just the version which I use. gm4 is a GNU m4 -- I don't
> remember why the native one barfed, but it did. I moved most of the
> comments into m4 comments, via dnl. I also have a belief that if anyone
> reads BugTraq or the like using Outlook, then they deserve what they
> get, so I special-case -- I can see that this might
> not suit everyone's security policy. ;^)

I actually have a filter building kit (in pieces :-) ), that I was
working on to produce the filters.
The intention is that it takes the filter REs (which I edit in perl
form) and then glues them into a template file with appropriate munging
(ie perl -> exim escaping). I'll attempt to finish that and get a copy
out soon (but I am still horribly busy).
