} On Mon, 17 Mar 1997, Dom Mitchell wrote:
} > ... It would be
} > kind of cute if you could say:
} >
} > if seen $message_id
} > then
} > seen finish
} > endif
} >
} > Does this sound reasonable?
} Do you suffer from lots of duplicate deliveries? This seems like a very
} heavyweight approach for what shouldn't be a big problem. Or have I
} missed something? You would also build up a very large file as time
} passed...
I do use a message-id filter on mailing lists - which means that fairly
often people have been complaining about a broken mail<->news gateway
which recirculates old stuff and I haven't even noticed it!
Procmail does this using a fixed size message ID cache which will not grow
beyond a specified bound.
However this seems to be getting very specialised for an MTA. If needed
you could mostly roll your own - I guess some way of updating databases
would be useful for this. Alternatively you can just build a little
command to test for and record a message id and invoke that.
Are db write operations worth adding to the filter language?
[ Nigel.Metheringham@??? - Systems Software Engineer ]
[ Tel : +44 113 251 6012 Fax : +44 113 224 0003 ]
[ Friends don't let friends use sendmail! ]